Trauma Therapy & EMDR
Addressing trauma can be tough, especially because so many people have a hard time figuring out if the things they’ve been through “deserve” to be called traumatic. I’ve heard people minimize their experiences by saying “Well, other people have had it much worse,” or “I think I’m okay now so it couldn’t have been that bad”.
Meanwhile they’re caught up in keeping themselves so busy and distracted because they’re terrified of slowing down, or they struggle to trust others, they people-please to keep the peace, or pretend they’re fine just to make everyone else happy, and they hide the fact that they sometimes feel totally emotionally out of control or terrified. Women and LGBTQ folks especially might have a tendency to convince themselves they’re fine when they’re really not just so they could continue to show up in their lives and survive.
Do You Feel Stressed, Confused By Your Own Feelings, or Like You’re Always “Just waiting” for something bad to happen?
Do any of the following resonate with you?
You struggle to trust that things are actually okay, and always feel like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You people-please your way through life, putting others before yourself constantly, ending up doing a lot of things you don’t actually want to do and not doing or saying the things you really want.
You thrive when you’re busy but you have an insane schedule that doesn't let you rest, leaving you frazzled and stressed.
You’re having recurring thoughts or dreams about a specific event in your life, even when you try really hard not to think about it.
You find yourself surprised by your own emotions or responses to things, like getting really sad or numb without being able to pinpoint why, or snapping at people unexpectedly.
You can see that logically, you have a pretty good life. But there’s a voice in your head that always second guesses you, tells you you’re not doing enough or good enough, and constantly compares you to others.
If these sound true for you, I want you to know that all the ways these things are showing up for you today is a normal response to trauma. Reaching out for help can provide you with the support and encouragement you need.
EMDR Therapy
EMDR is one of the therapeutic approaches I use for treating trauma. It can hep to get to the root cause of the issues showing up in your current day to day life where other therapy has fallen short before. Maybe you’ve talked and talked about your experiences, or maybe you never have, and things still feel stuck. EMDR can help.
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and it involves using neuroscience to access our troubling memories or beliefs by using some bilateral stimulation, sometimes eye movements or tapping. I’m happy to talk more with you about what EMDR is and if it’s right for you.
Here are some helpful resources for learning more about EMDR Therapy:
The Apple TV series The Me You Can’t See shows an example of EMDR therapy in episode 3 around minute 28.
Trauma Therapy Can Help You Gain The Ability To Be Your True Self
I help people who’ve experienced traumas and have a hard time trusting, feeling safe, are stuck on “high alert,” or are feeling like they’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop. They also sometimes pretend they’re okay when they’re not or people-please as a way to fit in and feel safe. I can help you to process these experiences so that you can feel secure, present, more authentic, and connected to yourself and others.
A lot of the people I work with grew up in families where maybe there was a lot of love but their parents/caregivers were not truly emotionally available, maybe due to substance abuse, mental health issues, financial struggles, working too much, or not being able to understand them for who they are.
They’re ready to break the intergenerational cycles that have played out in their families and to build greater self acceptance and authentic connection in their lives. It’s possible to feel better. Imagine a life where you could...
Create a more meaningful life based on who you are and what you desire.
Stop letting anxiety affect the way you live or make decisions for you.
Get to the root problems and solve those instead of using band-aids.
Be more confident in yourself.
Trauma therapy can positively change your thinking, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. It can help you heal and start feeling better.
Live Life As Who You Really Are
Trauma therapy helps you rise above your challenges and start moving towards your ideal life with less confusion & stress, and more confidence.
You will get the deeper understanding you need to discover the root of your problems and find your way through difficult feelings and situations.
Even if you are not sure if your problem is serious enough, trauma therapy may be able to help.
I've helped people discover how experiences in their past are contributing to the patterns of stress and shame they experience today. My clients have been able to find healing from these experiences and create new patterns more aligned with their authentic selves and the lives they've always wanted.
How Trauma Therapy Works
Trauma Therapy consists of 45 minute, one-on-one sessions that begin to create a sense of safety. In addition to creating a safe environment for you to explore these feelings and listening, I will ask questions and share what the science tells us about what's going on for you. We’ll work together to understand what is showing up in your life today and practice strategies to bring you into the present with more balance and focus.
By understanding the things you’ve experienced, you’ll understand the impact these things have had on you. We will work to reduce the shame around these experiences by increasing your understanding of the science of trauma, how it affects the brain, nervous system, and body, and how those effects show up in how you see yourself, others and the world.
In our exploration of your experiences, we may also uncover opportunities to use creative and expressive therapy approaches and/or to use EMDR, a type of therapy that enables people to heal from the effects of trauma. We will discover what works best for you together.
Just as trauma responses were learned, they can be unlearned and replaced with new ways of being that are more grounded and balanced.
The Step-By-Step Through Trauma Therapy
1. First, I provide a safe, accepting space so that you will feel comfortable sharing your struggles with me.
2. Through hearing your story, I will start to get a picture of what your challenges are.
3. We will start with helping you with immediate concerns like managing difficult emotions, stress and challenging life situations in the day-to-day.
4. We will also work to discover what your goals are in therapy and in life.
5. Keeping your unique goals in mind, we’ll figure out what’s needed to help you reach them.
6. Over the course of our sessions, you will start making progress towards the life you desire. We will continue to evaluate and adjust as needed to meet your goals.
Now Accepting New Clients
Reach out today to schedule your free 15 minute consultation.
Once you email me, you will receive further information about next steps.
Email Today: cyclebreakerstherapy@gmail.com